I hear the saying “we are living the good life”. But what does that mean? In the past I used to hear about “living the American dream”. Growing up meant working hard, saving, and preparing for retirement, where my wife and I could enjoy our remaining years in comfort.
Due to work, economy, and market conditions, it seems those dreams have changed. I wanted to take a few moments and explore some of the things that make up “living the good life”.
Let’s start with health. We all have a defined time on earth. We try to keep healthy through exercising, being active and for the most part getting out and away from the couch and TV. With 16% of the American population 65 and older. Communities and companies are starting to cater to the needs of older adults. From Yoga, to Pickleball, Tennis, Golf, walking, running, or playing other sports. More and more older adults are out and about.
In Florida alone, at the Senior Games, over 1,656 Florida seniors compete in 21 different sports. Florida boasts over 1,100 golf courses with 48 million rounds of golf played every year by people over 50.
Bottom line, get out, have fun and get healthy in the meantime.
Finances are always a concern for people. As we get older, we see our financial situation changing. From having a steady income to living on a fixed budget. Our 401K and savings are buying less today than a few years ago. Seniors are concerned if they will have enough money to last them through retirement. I know I think about it.
We had a saying in my work. Plan your work, work you plan. The same thing is true with finances. Plan your finances, work your finances. These should include reviewing and discussing your visions with your spouse. Estimate your budget. Think about healthcare costs.
Even to this day, my wife and I are reviewing our financial situation and making adjustments. Either with the household budget, stocks and bonds or other financial instruments. The markets are ever changing. Recently inflation has raised its ugly head. The purchasing power of our dollar is less. Review and adjust. Like your physical health, work on your financial health.
I find I can “live the good life” when I am out and about with others. Cherish your friendships. I remember a troubling time in my life when I was all alone. No one to count on, talk to, council with. Now I have my beautiful wife and great friends to share time with. Cherish those times. Make the most of them. Create memories which will last a lifetime.
In the end, you can take charge of yourself and “live the good life”. Go out and get it!
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